Cool ways to cool your home this summer


In an average home, heating and cooling expenses make up about 54% of annual utility bills. Staying on top of HVAC expenses is one of the most important responsibilities a homeowner has. Though keeping energy bills manageable and low is imperative, so is maintaining a comfortable temperature inside the home.

We're still dealing with snow, cold, and long winter nights, but summer -- and those scorching hot days -- is actually right around the corner. Being able to keep your home cool during those hot summer days and nights should be at the very top of your homeowner priority list.

Here are a few great ways to keep your home cool during the upcoming summer and all the hot days and nights your family will experience in the future:

Cover up your windows 

If you have large windows throughout your home, all day long the sun will be shining its light through and heating up everything from your furniture to your kitchen floor. During the day, consider using window coverings to prevent the sunlight from coming in -- especially if you are gone during the day and in rooms that face the south or the west.

Stay on top of HVAC repairs

Malfunctioning HVAC systems will lead to all sorts of problems inside your home. Not only will your energy bills skyrocket as a result of busted air conditioners, but your home will also be a lot less comfortable, as well. Working with air conditioning services is a great way to keep your home cool because these professionals are experienced in all kinds of HVAC repairs.

Make sure to run your ceiling fans

This is one of the easiest ways to cool your home but many homeowners leave their fans off, only to accumulate dust. Turn your ceiling fans on and make sure you're using them correctly. As you're standing under your fan and looking up, it should be running counterclockwise, pulling cold air from the ground and blowing it around the area.

If you want to learn more about some of these cool ways to keep your home cool, stay on top of your HVAC repairs, and work with a team of experienced professionals, give Green Savers a call right away.


Learn More About Air Conditioning

Start by visiting our air conditioning resource pages for homeowners in Portland or Bend, Oregon. You can also keep reading our latest blog articles about energy efficient home cooling.