FAQ - Ductless heat pumps in Oregon

Mitsubishi Ductless Heat Pump.png

We all wish we could spend less on our heating and cooling bills. As a result of this desire, efficient systems of all kinds are rising in popularity. Ductless heat pumps are at the forefront of that list due to their ability to reduce energy use and save homeowners money on their monthly heating and cooling bills. Learn more about ductless heat pumps in Bend, Oregon.

How Do Ductless Heat Pumps Work?

Ductless heat pumps, also known as mini-splits, pull heat from outside air and bring it inside; this sounds counter-intuitive in the dead of winter, by the units contain refrigerant in coils (much like the ones found in refrigerators) that attracts heat from air and captures it. As heat moves through the system, it warms existing liquefied gas which produces vapor; this vapor travels to the interior compressor unit where it is blown out into the room by a fan as heat.

How Do Heat Pumps Save Me Money?

Because they aren't expending energy to heat the air -- they are moving heat rather than producing it -- your energy use is reduced. Less energy means less money is owed when the monthly bill comes in the mail; this is further compounded by the fact that each unit has its own thermostat, allowing you complete control over the temperatures in each zone or room of your home. You can turn down the rooms that hardly get used to ensure you're only paying for the heat you actually use.

Will I Need An Air Conditioner Too?

Nope! Heat pumps can cool the air in your home in the same way they heat it, except in reverse; instead of pulling in air from the outside and bringing the heat inside, air is moved in the opposite direction and the heat is pulled from your home.

What Are Some Other Advantages Of Heat Pumps?

In terms of aesthetics, ductless heat pumps can't be beaten. In addition to their small size, their placement is exceptionally flexible; indoor units can be suspended from a ceiling, mounted flush into a drop ceiling, or hung on a wall. Because they function as both heaters and air conditioning units, you'll never have an unsightly AC system hanging out of your window again.

In order to keep your mini-splits in full working order, simply replace your air filter every three months -- just like HVAC units. Maintenance is the only thing they have in common; make the switch today and discover how much you can save each year.

Steffan Kasula