We have strong incentives to install insulation in Central Oregon. Your eligibility depends on how you heat your home.
If you heat your with natural gas from Cascade Natural Gas or with electricity from Pacific Power, you can take advantage of cash incentives from the Energy Trust of Oregon. Here are the Energy Trust insulation incentives at a glance:
Attic insulation: $1.25 per square foot
Floor insulation: $0.50 per square foot
Wall insulation: $0.50 per square foot
If you primarily heat your home with electricity provided by CEC, you can use the following incentives to offset the cost of insulating your home.
Attic insulation: $0.50 per square foot
Floor insulation: $0.75 per square foot
Wall insulation: $1.00 per square foot
Homeowners who primarily heat with electricity from Midstate can get generous incentives to install insulation.
Attic insulation: Up to $2.30 per square foot
Floor insulation: Up to $1.05 per square foot
Wall insulation: Up to $2.00 per square foot
Starting in 2023, homeowners can get tax credits that cover 30% of the costs for their insulation project up to $1,200. Check out our tax credits resource page for details.