Add HVAC maintenance to your to-do list


The holidays are here, and for many homes, that means a lengthy to-do list. From purchasing and decorating a tree to stringing up lights outside your home, there's already plenty of chores to take care of. However, one you should absolutely add to your list for the season is scheduling HVAC services for your home. Here are just a few reasons why HVAC maintenance is a must this holiday season.

High Energy Demand

Over the course of a standard year, your HVAC system makes up a majority of your home's energy bill - yes, even when you take holiday lighting into account. In an average home, heating and cooling make up 54% of annual utility bills. Most homes typically see a spike in energy use for heating during the winter, as combating cold can be energy-intensive. With such a heavy strain being put on your HVAC, you should schedule HVAC services during the holiday season to ensure it can keep up.

Avoid Service Failures

Nobody wants to be left without heat during the coldest time of year. However, it can happen more frequently than you think. This is often the case with households that have not kept up with routine HVAC repair throughout the rest of the year. With the increased demands on home heating, small issues can quickly cause your HVAC to fail. Scheduling HVAC services during the holidays helps you avoid being left in the cold because of a failed part.

Cozy Home All Season Long

Even if there are no problems with your HVAC currently, getting routine maintenance done is essential to having a comfortable home throughout the rest of the year. Scheduling your routine HVAC services around the holidays can actually help you remember to stick to your schedule. You'll know exactly what time of year next year you need to schedule maintenance, making it easier to extend the life of your HVAC.

HVAC maintenance matters to your comfort and quality of life at home, especially around the holidays. Scheduling maintenance during the season means you can get through the winter with high-quality heating in your home. For more information on HVAC services or to schedule your routine maintenance today, contact GreenSavers.

Bill Hoelzer