4 signs it’s time to call an HVAC contractor


Most people have a tendency to put off routine maintenance for household appliances and utilities for as long as possible. It's understandable - no one wants to have to take the time and save up for what could end up being an expensive set of repairs. However, there are some signs that you should be on the lookout for when it comes to your HVAC system that could mean it's time to call in an HVAC contractor. Even if you've been putting off repairs, watch for these four signs that tell you it's time to schedule your HVAC services.

Unusual Noises

Many old houses will often have an unusual noise or two as a result of the house settling, but it's usually fairly obvious when your HVAC system is making a noise that it shouldn't be. Any sort of rattling sounds coming from your air conditioner could be the sign of a loose, missing, or damaged component, so it's worth giving your HVAC services provider a call.

Changing Temperatures

Whether the change in temperature is sudden or gradual, major temperature changes throughout your home aren't normal. It could mean that your heat pump or air conditioning system has stopped functioning entirely, or it's simply an issue with your thermostat's sensor. Either way, this could be a sign of major issues with your HVAC system, so you'll want to schedule repairs as soon as possible.

Different Temperatures Across Rooms

Is one room in your home particularly chilly, or does one corner of your home get warmer than the rest? That could mean there's an issue with your air conditioning or heat pump that's keeping air from reaching those parts of the house. There are multiple potential causes for this issue, and a qualified HVAC repair company can help you fix your HVAC to solve this problem.

Bad Smell Or Low Airflow

If you notice your home starting to develop a certain smell or that the air is particularly dusty, it could mean that your HVAC filters are in desperate need of cleaning or changing. Low airflow throughout your home could also indicate this since clogged or dirty filters could impede the movement of air through ducts. For maximum efficiency, HVAC system air filters should be changed every three months at the very least.

If you've noticed any of these signs in your home, it's definitely time to schedule your HVAC services. The right repair company can help you solve these issues and many more, so your home can be as comfortable as possible again. For more information or to schedule a repair, contact Green Savers today.


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