Furnace Repair - Portland, Oregon

furnace repair in portland, oregon

If your furnace isn’t working as expected, give us a call at 503.223.8767, or send us a message:

You’ll get a full diagnostic inspection with a plan to repair or replace your furnace. Based in Portland, GreenSavers stands out as a B Corp certified HVAC contractor and eight-time winner of the ENERGY STAR Contractor of the Year Award.


What are some signs that I might need furnace repair?

old furnace that needs repair

Just like any other appliance, furnaces wear out over time and eventually need repairs or replacement. How do you know if your furnace needs repair or replacement? Here are some signs to pay attention to:

  • Strange noises: If your furnace is making loud, unusual, or persistent noises, such as banging, rattling, squealing, or hissing, it could indicate a problem with the blower, the motor, the burner, or the ductwork.

  • Poor heating: If your furnace is not heating your home adequately, or if some rooms are colder than others, it could mean that your furnace is losing efficiency, or that there is a problem with the thermostat, the filter, the vents, or the ducts.

  • High energy bills: If your heating bills are higher than usual, it could mean that your furnace is working harder than it should to keep your home warm, or that it is wasting energy due to leaks, cracks, or clogs .

  • Frequent repairs: If your furnace needs frequent repairs or service calls, it could mean that it’s nearing the end of its lifespan, or that it has a major issue that can’t be fixed easily.

  • Age: The average lifespan of a furnace is about 15 years. If you have an older furnace, it may be time to consider replacing it with a newer and more efficient model.


How do I know if my furnace needs repair or replacement?

It’s not always easy to know when to repair or replace your furnace.

It depends on a few factors, such as the age, condition, efficiency, costs of the furnace repair vs. furnace replacement. Here are a few guidelines to help you decide.

When to repair your furnace:

  • It is less than 15 years old and still has some warranty left.

  • The repair cost is less than 50% of the replacement cost.

  • The repair issue is minor or isolated, such as a faulty thermostat, a clogged filter, or a dirty flame sensor.

  • The furnace is still heating your home adequately and consistently.

  • The furnace has a high energy efficiency rating (AFUE) of at least 90%.

When to replace your furnace:

  • It is more than 15 years old and has no warranty left.

  • The repair cost is more than 50% of the replacement cost.

  • The repair issue is major or recurring, such as a cracked heat exchanger, a broken blower motor, or a malfunctioning burner.

  • The furnace is not heating your home adequately or consistently.

  • The furnace has a low energy efficiency rating (AFUE) of less than 90%.


How much does furnace repair cost in Portland, Oregon?

The cost for an HVAC service appointment with GreenSavers is $125 for the first half hour of diagnostics, followed by $95 an hour for any additional repairs. To schedule, just give us a call at 503.223.8767, or send us a message.

The HVAC service appointment includes half an hour to diagnose the cause of the issues. If additional time or parts are needed, you’ll get an estimate for the total cost of the repair. You can choose whether to move forward with the repair, replace your furnace, or go another direction.

Furnaces fail for a wide range of reasons, so the repair costs also have a wide range. Most furnace repairs that we do for homeowners in Portland cost between $200 and $700.


How long does furnace repair take, and what are the steps?

Here’s how furnace repair in Portland, Oregon works:

  • Give us a call: You can reach us anytime at 503.223.8767. We’ll answer any questions you have and help to schedule your HVAC service appointment.

  • Get an inspection and diagnosis: We’ll do a full diagnostic inspection of your furnace, giving extra attention to any issues related to health and safety. Within the first hour, you’ll get a clear recommendation on whether to repair or replace your furnace.

  • Get an estimate: You’ll get an estimate of the cost and timeline for the service. The estimate will include the parts, labor, and guarantee. You’ll have time to review and ask questions before we move forward with the furnace repair.

  • Enjoy the service: Every furnace repair - just like every GreenSavers project - comes with a satisfaction guarantee. We’ll fix or replace any parts, adjust or clean any components, and test the furnace to make sure it works exactly as expected.


What are the safety risks of having a faulty or old furnace?

Faulty or old furnaces can pose serious safety risks. Here are a few of the most common risks:

burned gas furnace
  • Fire hazards: Improperly maintained or installed furnaces can cause fires due to overheating, electrical faults, or flammable materials near the furnace.

  • Gas leaks: Furnaces that use natural gas can leak gas if there are cracks, holes, or loose connections in the system. Gas leaks can cause explosions, fires, or health problems if they come in contact with an ignition source or are inhaled.

  • Carbon monoxide poisoning: Furnaces that are not burning properly can produce carbon monoxide (CO), a colorless, odorless, and toxic gas that can make you and your family seriously sick. CO can cause symptoms such as fatigue, confusion, chest pain, or loss of consciousness. It can also be fatal if not treated promptly.

To reduce these risks, you should get regular maintenance to keep your furnace in good condition. If you start to notice issues with your furnace, don’t delay in reaching out for help.


Which furnace repairs do you need, and does it make sense to repair or replace your furnace? Give us a call at 503.223.8767, or send us a message.


Learn More About Heating and Cooling

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