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Easy ways to avoid high heating bills

Fall is here, and while the changing of seasons is always interesting, the shift to colder temperatures can cause your energy bill to skyrocket. After all, in an average home, heating and cooling make up 54% of annual utility bills. So what is there that you can do in your home to save both energy and money on your next heating bill? Check out these tips for a few simple ways to save.

Add Insulation

Adding home insulation is one of the simplest ways to improve your home's energy efficiency for longer periods of time. Home insulation's purpose is fairly self-explanatory; it helps to keep the cold temperatures out, while also keeping the heated air from your furnace inside your home. The more insulation, the better! Don't worry too much about having too much insulation during the summer either - home insulation can also help keep hot air out and cold air in once the warmer seasons roll around again.

Seal Up Leaks

Have you noticed a particularly drafty window or door in your home? It could be costing you more than you think. Drafty doors and windows let in cold air from outside while also letting your heated indoor air escape, meaning you're paying to heat air that's just going to end up getting outside of your home. To improve your home's heating efficiency, identify drafty windows and doors around your home and seal up what areas you can with professional help.

Upgrade Your Furnace

Depending on when you moved into your current home, your furnace might be well overdue for replacement. To make the most of your heating system, you'll want to install an energy efficient furnace. Older furnaces are more likely to use more energy for a less effective result due to wear and tear over time; a new energy efficient furnace can keep your home's temperature more stable with less energy.

Keeping your heating bill low might take a bit of extra effort, but it'll end up paying for itself over time and is well worth the investment this fall. For more information or to schedule service to improve your home's heating efficiency, contact Green Savers today.

Learn More About Heating

Start by visiting our heating and cooling resource pages for homeowners in Portland or Bend, Oregon. You can also keep reading our latest blog articles about energy efficient home heating.

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